Hebrew - Language Basics
This class will show you that you don’t have to be able to read Hebrew to understand that each letter of the Hebrew Alef-Bet represents both a sound and a picture. The picture of the
Hebrew words will then be easy to understand its meanings.
Greek - Language Basics
Koine Greek is the language of the New Testament people. Very similar to English and Spanish. How great it would be to learn the language Jesus was speaking to the people!
Finances - Household Budget God’s Way
You don’t have to reach the end of the month wondering where your money went. Doing a budget is simply telling your money where to go. And if you’re not good at budgeting yet, that’s okay! It takes a little time. Keep working at it and soon you’ll be a pro!
Covenant Relationships
A covenant attitude is a commitment to build long-lasting relationships. In today’s world it takes great courage to maintain faithfulness in relationships over a lifetime. Covenant is the
bond that hold us together.
Romans 911- Jew & Gentile Responsibilities
Israel is re-awakening. There is a transformation and reconnection coming in the family of God between believing Jews and Gentiles in the One New Man. Discover the role of the
Jew and the role of the Gentile.
Jewish Roots
Jewish Roots is a balanced and solid presentation that covers many of the most important themes of Biblical Theology. The destiny of Israel and the Christian Church is bound together, evident in the Scriptures. Learning this truth is essential for survival.
Discipleship Seminar
A Training Manual. This seminar guides you through the essential beliefs every believer needs to find success in their walk with Jesus. Discipleship is offered in classes at the Church or at Home Team settings. (This seminar is a prerequisite course for those interested in Leadership Positions)
Discovery Seminar
This seminar is designed to help you realize what makes you so unique. It will help you discover your Ministry Gifts, purpose of life, and to see how God combines them for your best fit in a ministry position.
Sales & Strengths Seminar
Do you know your God given strengths? We have a short class series that will help you learn about the 45 types of personality strengths and weaknesses. This gives you a definite heads-up on how to communicate with others.
Leadership Seminar
A Training Manual. This seminar is designed to help you learn how to lead others to God’s way of thinking. We will help you discover your personality, gifts, purpose in life, and see how God combines them for the best fit in ministry leadership.
Destiny College of Ministry
Destiny College of Ministry is a Spirit-filled Bible College. God desires for all humans to understand His will for their lives. To do this, we must study His Word so He can relate to our everyday progress the way in which He sees things should be done.
